Full stack web development with all things Habbo.
Initially part of the Habbo Stories team developing a platform for creating and sharing user-generated content. Later helped in building the new Habbo web with modern tools.
Some fun Habbo-related stuff created on free time:
Developed and designed apps for Blaast's cloud-powered mobile platform. Built Blaast DevHub with Rails, a web frontend used by 3rd-party developers to streamline app publishing.
I was part of the team working on Flowdock, a collaboration web app for technical teams. Mostly worked on the Rails frontend and UI/UX. Also wrote and maintained acceptance tests for mission critical features such as the signup flow.
Native in Finnish. Fluent in spoken and written English. Picking up some Swedish in spare time.
HTML, CSS, SCSS, LESS, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, Backbone.js, Node.js, React.js, Angular, PhantomJS
Functional Programming, UI/UX dev, Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Web App Deployment and Optimization, Web Analytics (GA, Mixpanel), TDD, BDD, Acceptance Testing, API Development, A/B Testing, Chrome Extensions, Browser Userscripts, Linux (Debian, Ubuntu), nginx, Apache, Grafana
I like to read, lift weights and to ride a bike.
I sometimes contribute to Ramda, a practical functional library for JavaScript programmers. Related projects: ramda-cli, alfred-ramda-workflow, ramda-destruct, ramda-t, ram-bot.
A CLI tool for processing data with functional pipelines. Written in LiveScript.
Instantly try npm modules in a REPL environment.
A Ruby library for the Reittiopas GET API.